R 0.90.1 for Windows

Guido Masarotto guido at hal.stat.unipd.it
Fri Dec 17 10:47:11 CET 1999

A binary distribution  of R 0.90.1 is available at


Installation instruction are given in the README file at the same

guido masarotto

Windows changes since 0.90.0
It is possible to install packages from any directory (set PKGDIR on
the make command) and to any directory (set RLIB on the make command).

RLIBS is no longer accepted for the library directory: use R_LIBS
(which has been preferred since 0.65.0).

The code to set the `cra' parameter for a windows() device (and hence
the base character size of symbols) is more robust.

The code handling Ctrl-like keys has been changed and ought to be more
robust (AltGr on Danish Windows NT used to misbehave.)

savePlot recognises filename="clipboard" (or "") for wmf plots.

The installer has always been version-specific and now tests it is
being used for the right version.

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