R-alpha: Re: R-beta: Version 0.49 Released

Kurt Hornik Kurt.Hornik@ci.tuwien.ac.at
Wed, 23 Apr 1997 17:28:37 +0200

>>>>> Ross Ihaka writes:

> The newest version of R for Unix (version 0.49) is now available
> (or soon will be) from the following sites.

> ...

I noticed the following problems (all already reported, but not in


FROM:   <Kurt.Hornik@ci.tuwien.ac.at>
        Btw, here's another way to produce a segfault with admittedly
        nonsense code:
                R> x <- 1:5
                R> dimnames(x)[1,2] <- NULL
                Segmentation fault
        [ Hmmm.  This seems to have gone away.  I get the error     ]
        [ message "Error: incorrect number of subscripts on array". ]

On my Linux system, I still get the segfault.  Perhaps others could
check that?

* File permissions in data should be 644.

* In src/unix/system.c, one `Rdata' should be `RData' (d -> D).

* The documentation for the noncentral chisquare distribution is not
quite correct.  (rnchisq does not exist, the existing functions have x,
df and the noncentrality parameter as args, and the density should be

   pnchisq(x, df, lambda)
   = exp(-lambda / 2)
     * sum_{r=0}^\infty \frac{lambda^r}{2^r r!} pchisq(x, df + 2r)

(semiTeX notation only, sorry).


New minor remarks:

* The documentation for `image' still has the old order z, x, y.

* Perhaps one should add `par(ask = T)' in the image demo?

* Perhaps one should save the original value of par() at the beginning
of the graphics demo, and restore that at its end (s.t. typically asking
is turned off again).


Overall, REALLY GREAT!  Thanks for putting out the official release ...

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