R-alpha: lbeta, .. etc

Kurt Hornik Kurt.Hornik@ci.tuwien.ac.at
Thu, 26 Jun 1997 08:03:29 +0200

>>>>> Martin Maechler writes:

>>>>> "Jim" == Jim Lindsey <jlindsey@luc.ac.be> writes:
Jim> 1. lbeta and beta do not work properly: lbeta returns its first
Jim> argument and beta gives the lbeta result.  In names.c lines 245-6,
Jim> the codes for these should be 2 and 3 instead of 1 and 2

Jim> 2. crtl-C does not work (except the first time) on Red Hat elf
Jim> Linux (which has many many other problems as well) nor on the
Jim> previous version of Linux for Amiga. It worked on Slackware aout
Jim> Linux and now works on the most recent version of Linux for the
Jim> Amiga. It also works correctly on a Sun.

> Both of these problems have been reported before, here.
> However, Jim hasn't been subscribed, ``back then''.

> Ross has found (about 6 weeks ago...) that problem '1.'
> is simply a  "cut & paste" typo in  RHOME/main/names.c
> (old code has been doubled by accident).

> Here is the patch which just deletes about a dozen lines in  names.c

> ...

Actually, I must have missed that patch, too.  I'll rebuild my Debian
packages right away ...

Re official versus non-official patches.  What I could do is put all
patches that were posted on r-devel and look reasonable into CRAN (e.g.,
src/patches).  However, R&R will probably not be too happy about the
existence of unofficial patches ...

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