R-alpha: Re: problem vith "cmdscale" on W95

Martin Maechler Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>
Sat, 18 Oct 1997 22:07:58 +0200

    AR> I tried to do

    AR> library(mva)
    AR> data(quakes)
    AR> quakes<-quakes[sample(seq(1:1000),100),1:5]
    AR> cmd.dsq<-cmdscale(dsq)
    AR> Error in .C("dblcen", x, as.integer(n)) : C/Fortran function not in load table

    AR> how can I solve this problem?

You should ask this on the mailing list (you only e-mailed to me), 
actually probably better R-devel than R-help.

The above message indicates that the dynamic loading (which should happen
with "library(mva)") did not work in your setup.
I dont know if this is a known problem in Rseptwin or problem of your setup

Good luck,	Martin.
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