
Paul Gilbert
Thu, 25 Jun 1998 17:16:34 -0400

I'm not sure what the process is for this, but can I get the following all.equal
function put in the R base?

Paul Gilbert

all.equal <- function(obj1, obj2,...) {UseMethod("all.equal")}

all.equal.default <- function(obj1, obj2, tolerance=.Machine$double.eps)
  {if(mode(obj1)      != mode(obj2) )               return("modes differ.")
   if (length(obj1) != length(obj2) )               return("lengths differ")

   if(is.null(class(obj1)) != is.null(class(obj2))) return("classes differ.")
   else if(!is.null(class(obj1))
           && any(class(obj1) != class(obj2)) )     return("classes differ.")

   if(is.null(attributes(obj1)) != is.null(attributes(obj2)))
                                                    return("attributes differ.")

   else if(!is.null(attributes(obj1))
           && any(unlist(attributes(obj1)) != unlist(attributes(obj2))))
                                                    return("attributes differ.")

   cull.numeric  <- function(obj, r=NULL) {
      if (is.null(obj) | (length(obj) == 0)) return(r)
      else if (is.numeric(obj)) return(c(r,obj))
      else if (is.list(obj))
           return( c(cull.numeric(obj[[1]], r), cull.numeric(obj[-1])) )
      else return(r)

   z1 <- cull.numeric(obj1)
   if(! is.null(z1))
      {z2 <- cull.numeric(obj2)
       if (length(z1) != length(z2) )  return("length of numeric parts differ")
       M <- pmax(abs(z1), abs(z2))
       # next line results in absolute rather than relative comparison for
       # very small numbers.
       M[ M < 100 *tolerance] <- 1
       if (any(abs(z1 -z2) > tolerance * M))
                       return("numeric value differences exceed tolerance.")
  # next comparison is really for non-numeric values but also compares
  # numeric values to the tolerance of the character representation in unlist.
   if (! all(unlist(obj1) == unlist(obj2)))     return("values differ.")

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