EPS compliance of postscript device: initclip operator (PR#238)

dajm@deeq.demon.co.uk dajm@deeq.demon.co.uk
Wed, 4 Aug 1999 00:22:50 +0200 (MET DST)

Dear R-bugs

The help for the R postscript() device states:

        The postscript produced by R is EPS (Encapsulated
        PostScript) compatible, and can be included into other

However, postscript produced by R uses the "initclip" operator to
define the operator "cl":

	/cl  { initclip newpath 3 index 3 index moveto 1 index
		4 -1 roll lineto  exch 1 index lineto lineto
		closepath clip newpath } def

initclip is one of the postscript operators that the EPS file specification
(at http://partners.adobe.com/asn/developer/PDFS/5002.EPSF_Spec_v3.0.pdf -
see page 6) states should not be used in EPS files.

For true EPS compliance the R postscript device should not therefore use

Under S-PLUS (v3.3 Solaris is the latest I have experience of, Brian Ripley
notes the same is NOT true under S-PLUS for windows) the onefile=T argument to
the postscript device causes the output file to be structured as an EPS file.
It would be desirable if R supported a similar option.  As under S-PLUS, it
probably be left to the user to ensure that only a single page of graphics
is output
to a file intended to be EPS compliant (or an error could be returned if
a second page could be detected with ease).


David Middleton

--please do not edit the information below--

 platform = Windows
 arch = x86
 os = Win32
 system = x86, Win32
 status = 
 status.rev = 0
 major = 0
 minor = 64.1
 year = 1999
 month = May
 day = 8
 language = R

Search Path:
 .GlobalEnv, Autoloads, package:base

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