R.bug.report (PR#315)

rnassar@duke.edu rnassar@duke.edu
Wed, 10 Nov 1999 02:32:54 +0100 (MET)

Again I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those
working so selflessly on the development of R for us all to use it 
freely (and it is such a joy to use!)

Rashid Nassar

== Possible bug:

This is an old behavior that I had reported before, but as it is still
there, it may not ba a bug (although it looks like one to me).  "qfcut"
is numeric, "st" is a factor:

> plot(qfcut~st)      # works
> plot(st,qfcut)      #	works
> boxplot(qfcut~st)   # works
> boxplot(st,qfcut)   # doesn't work
Error: "range" not meaningful for factors

== The following are minor typos, etc. in help screens, <<error>> [[suggested]]:

   names: group labels which <<while>> [[will]] be printed under each 

   adj: The value of `adj' determines the way in which
             text strings are justified.  A value of `0' pro-
             duces <<right>> left-justified text, ...

 (end of 1st paragraph of Description):
        .... through the origin, otherwise, the first 2 val-
        ues are taken to be the <<slope and intercept>> [[intercept and
        slope]]. (since the first parameter is interpreted as the intercept).

== The following are suggestions offered with a great deal of
   (appropriate) diffidence:

?tapply (also perhaps ?lapply, ?sapply, ?apply)
   I think it would be useful to add `aggregate' to the "See Also:" list.
   Without V&R I would not have known about aggregate.

  d: a value which can be used to vary the strength of
             the perspective transformation.  Values of `d'
             greater than 1 will lessen the perspective effect
             and values less and 1 will exaggerate it.
     I think it may be useful if the value of d  for no perspective 
             effect is also given (looks to be d=10?)

It is great that `boxplot' has a data=  parameter; can `plot' (as in
`plot.default') have one too?  (no answer needed-- I know if not, there 
is a good reason for it :)

Thanks again.  -Rashid

--please do not edit the information below--

 platform = i586-unknown-linux
 arch = i586
 os = linux
 system = i586, linux
 status = Release
 major = 0
 minor = 65.1
 year = 1999
 month = October
 day = 07
 language = R

Search Path:
 .GlobalEnv, qfc, Autoloads, Autoloads, package:base

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