[Rd] Re: R-1.0.0 is released (PR#466)

bhoel@server.python.net bhoel@server.python.net
Wed, 1 Mar 2000 18:12:57 +0100 (MET)

Peter Dalgaard BSA <p.dalgaard@biostat.ku.dk> writes:

> I've rolled up R-1.0.0.tgz a short while ago. 
I've build R-1.0.0 on my

>uname -a
Linux pchoel 2.2.14 #3 Mit Jan 5 08:57:39 MET 2000 i686 unknown

box. Calling "make check" fails with 

make[4]: Entering directory `/opt/src/devel/R-1.0.0/tests/Examples'
updating base-Ex.R ...
make[5]: Entering directory `/opt/src/devel/R-1.0.0/src/library'
 >>> Building/Updating help pages for package `base'
     Formats: text example 
make[5]: Leaving directory `/opt/src/devel/R-1.0.0/src/library'
running code in base-Ex.R ...
../../bin/R --vanilla < base-Ex.R > base-Ex.Rout
make[4]: *** [base-Ex.Rout] Error 1


>tail tests/Examples/base-Ex.Rout
> cut(rep(1,5),4)#-- dummy
[1] (0.9995,1] (0.9995,1] (0.9995,1] (0.9995,1] (0.9995,1]
Levels:  (0.999,0.9995] (0.9995,1] (1,1.0005] (1.0005,1.001] 
> tx0 <- c(9, 4, 6, 5, 3, 10, 5, 3, 5)
> x <- rep(0:8, tx0)
> tx <- table(x)
> all(tx == tx0)
Error in all(tx == tx0) : dim<- length of dims do not match the length of object
Execution halted

Don't shure what I should think about it. 

my compiler is:

>gcc --version

R is compiled using the

"-fPIC -O3 -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -funroll-loops -mpentiumpro -march=pentiumpro -fschedule-insns2"

compiler switches. I used 

./configure --with-g77 --enable-blas_risc --enable-readline --with-x

for configuring.



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