[Rd] Re: R-1.0.0 is released (PR#466)

bacon@aerodyne.com bacon@aerodyne.com
Thu, 2 Mar 2000 10:36:46 -0500 (EST)

On  2 Mar, Martyn Plummer wrote:
>  On 01-Mar-00 bhoel@server.python.net wrote:
> > R is compiled using the
> > 
> > "-fPIC -O3 -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -funroll-loops -mpentiumpro
> > -march=pentiumpro -fschedule-insns2"
> > 
> > compiler switches. I used 
> > 
> > ./configure --with-g77 --enable-blas_risc --enable-readline --with-x
> > 
> > for configuring.
>  I can't help noticing that you are configuring for a RISC optimized BLAS
>  library on an Intel x86 processor.  I have no idea if this is serious,
>  but it seems a bit odd.

Since this feature was added for PowerPC Linux distributions at my
request, I'll comment on this.  I would say that it is very unlikely to
be of any help, but it probably won't hurt.  The configure script will
check to see if libblas_risc can be located.  If it can't be found, it
won't be used.  Configure won't even look for it unless you request it
with --enable-blas_risc.

Furthermore, I don't believe that configure will actually use
libblas_risc unless you also --enable-blas.  I could be wrong in that
regard.  Using --enable-blas_risc could implicitly --enable-blas as
well. It's been many months since I wrote that configure option.  I do
know that configure will test if linking -lblas works first.  If that
fails, it won't even bother with -lblas_risc.  

Hope this helps,

Fred Bacon

Aerodyne Research, Inc.                        Phone:  (978) 663-9500 ext. 273
45 Manning Rd.                                   FAX:  (978) 663-4918
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