[Rd] Printing graphs on W98 laptop (PR#477)

P.J.Green@bristol.ac.uk P.J.Green@bristol.ac.uk
Wed, 8 Mar 2000 18:23:34 +0100 (MET)

Full_Name: Peter Green
Version: 1.0.0 and 0.99.0
OS: windows 98
Submission from: (NULL) (

Running R (either 1.0.0 or 0.99.0) under Windows 98 on
my Toshiba laptop (Satellite 4080), I get a problem
when I hit the print toolbar button with the graph window on top.
It declares an illegal operation, and produces the error
messages reproduced below (slightly different in each
version). It then terminates R and returns to the desktop.

The printer is an HP 6MP, directly connected to the laptop,
no network.

All is fine on my desktop with Windows NT4.0.

Is this a known problem?   

R 1.0.0

RGUI caused an exception 10H in module R.DLL at 015f:1002460b.
EAX=00000006 CS=015f EIP=1002460b EFLGS=00010246
EBX=00000000 SS=0167 ESP=0253f220 EBP=0253f258
ECX=0045c8f0 DS=0167 ESI=02ee81c8 FS=0e47
EDX=00000001 ES=0167 EDI=0045c8f0 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
dd 99 90 0a 00 00 89 81 90 0a 00 00 8b 81 34 24
Stack dump:     
0045c8f0 02ee81c8 0045c8f0 1007449a 00000002 0322a560
0253f258 1001b862 0045c8f0 00000000 0253f298 10023f7d
00455f70 1000e0fd 0253f298 100249a2

R 0.99.0

RGUI caused an exception 10H in module R.DLL at 015f:1002450b.
EAX=00000006 CS=015f EIP=1002450b EFLGS=00010246
EBX=00000000 SS=0167 ESP=0253f220 EBP=0253f258
ECX=0045bad0 DS=0167 ESI=02e6c064 FS=3407
EDX=00000001 ES=0167 EDI=0045bad0 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
dd 99 90 0a 00 00 89 81 90 0a 00 00 8b 81 34 24
Stack dump:
0045bad0 02e6c064 0045bad0 100737da 00000002 0318a260
0253f258 1001b822 0045bad0 00000000 0253f298 10023e7d
00455fa0 1000e0dd 0253f298 100248a2

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