[Rd] AIX fails on startup with R-1.0.0

Thomas J Vogels Thomas Vogels <tov@ece.cmu.edu>
28 Mar 2000 13:24:09 -0500


thanks for your help.  Your suggestion to use "LDCMD=cc SHLIBLD=cc"
for configure worked, I've got a working R again :-)

Other roadblocks I've encountered (and the reason I cc: r-devel):

-- ld/cc doesn't automatically include /usr/local/lib while gcc does.
This comes from the sytem installation here and has nothing to do with
R.  But having to add LIBS=-L/usr/local/lib may come as a surprise to
people who don't do this regularly.  Does configure check for the
existence of e.g. libz.a with cc or gcc?

-- the installation fails when I try to build in a special
subdirectory.  install-sh can't be found.  I've edited the Makefile to
use "build/tools/../$(INSTALL_DATA)".  (I guess build/$(INSTALL_DATA)
would be enough.)  I believe this worked on a sun.  Is this a
consequence of overriding install-sh on AIX in configure?

-- demo.so is not installed and demo(dyn.load) fails.  This is a
trivial matter if detected before 'rm -rf build' ...

-- there used to be a memory glitch when exiting R on AIX (and I think
Alpha).  This was fixed, but I now get this weird xmalloc statement
before startup:

$ echo "x <- 1; q()" | R BATCH
$ cat .R.Rout 

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[Previously saved workspace restored]

xmalloc: out of virtual memory
R> invisible(options(echo = TRUE))
R> x <- 1; q()

Thanks again for getting R running on AIX again,

mailto:tov@ece.cmu.edu (Tom Vogels)   Tel: (412) 268-6638   FAX: -3204
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