[Rd] desiderata for data manipulation

Martin Maechler Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>
Wed, 1 Nov 2000 08:29:24 +0100

[diverted from R-help to R-devel]

>>>>> "tony" == A J Rossini <rossini@blindglobe.net> writes:

>>>>> "ZC" == Zsombor Cseres-Gergely <z.cseres-gergely@ucl.ac.uk> writes:

    ZC> .........
    ZC> But how do you exchange datafiles? Dump to ascii and infile?

    tony> Required helpful R-related content:

    tony> Much, much easier.  Look for the stataread package at CRAN.  (at
    tony> least until R gets a nice set of longitudinal macros, I'll
    tony> continue to enjoy Stata's "reshape" command for data
    tony> manipulation)

Dear Tony,
can you elaborate what you are missing here for R?
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