[Rd] Re: removing elements that aren't there -- options(check.bounds)

Martin Maechler Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>
Wed, 15 Nov 2000 08:30:29 +0100

>>>>> "TL" == Thomas Lumley <thomas@biostat.washington.edu> writes:
(to R-core,  but MM thinks  R-devel'ers might want to contribute ..)

    TL> Now we have option$check.bounds

{in R 1.2 (unstable) aka "R-devel"}

    TL> could we consider allowing negative
    TL> subscripts outside the array bounds:
    TL> x <- 1:3
    TL> x[-4]
    TL> is an error in R but not in S.

    TL> I think there is a much stronger case for x[-4] to succeed than for
    TL> x[4], which we do allow.

I tend to agree.

Note that currently,  options(check.bounds = TRUE)
only affects `sub-assignment', i.e. the "[<-" functions,
and not `sub-setting' (aka "[") :

    > options(check.bounds = TRUE)
    > x[4]
    [1] NA
    > x[-4]
    Error: subscript out of bounds
    > x[4] <- 4
    Warning message: 
    assignment outside vector/list limits (extending from 3 to 4) 
    > x[-5]
    Error: subscript out of bounds
    > x[5]
    [1] NA

I tend to think that   options(check.bounds = TRUE)
	- also warn when  `subsetting' outside given bounds

	- only warn in the above x[-4] case
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