[Rd] Rcmd Install gives Bad command or file name (PR#1296)

Uwe Ligges ligges@statistik.uni-dortmund.de
Fri, 01 Feb 2002 22:19:49 +0100

forporphyry@hotmail.com wrote:
> Dear Team,
> Don't understand output below.  

If you don't understand the output, why do you think it is a bug?
The question seems to belong to R-Help, not to R-Bugs.

> Please advise.  Windows98 and rw1041(patched) from 1/25/02.
> Graham Lawrence
> C:\>PATH=C:\bin;C:\mingw32;C:\Perl;C:\HtmlWork;C:\R\rw1041\bin;C:\Tcl;C:\Tcl\bin
> C:\>Rcmd INSTALL C:\R\lattice_0.4-0.tar.gz
> Bad command or file name

Two solutions:
a) use slashes "/" instead of backslashes "\" in the path:
      Rcmd INSTALL C:/R/lattice_0.4-0.tar.gz

b) cd to "C:/R" and type "Rcmd INSTALL lattice_0.4-0.tar.gz"

> [...]

Uwe Ligges

BTW: There is a binary version (for windows) of lattice on CRAN.
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