CRAN links

Douglas Bates
27 May 2002 09:19:31 -0500

Paul Gilbert <> writes:

> Is anyone else have trouble with links to CRAN, R, R-CRAN, etc. at
> <> ?

Curious.  I fixed up those directories and restarted the ftp server on
the machine that serves as   Now I can reach those
directories via an ftp client (ncftp) but not via a web browser
(netscape).  I'm not sure why.

The same file system is available as
I would recommend using that URL instead of
for an http client.  A less desirable alternative is to notice that
the names /pub/CRAN, /pub/R, and /pub/R-CRAN are all symbolic links to
/pub/e19/CRAN and to use

I'm not sure why a web browser cannot follow the symbolic link but an
ftp client can.  I would have thought this would be determined by the
server, not by the client.  Can anyone suggest why the symbolic links
do not work for netscape?
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