Sweave (PR#2142)

Friedrich.Leisch@ci.tuwien.ac.at Friedrich.Leisch@ci.tuwien.ac.at
Fri, 11 Oct 2002 09:57:21 +0200

  > In the 'RWeaveLatexSetup' function in the 'tools' package in R 1.6.0 , th=
  > e
  > code below does not work (pdflatex can't find 'Sweave.sty'):

  > if (stylepath)
  >         styfile <- file.path(R.home(), "share", "texmf", "Sweave")
  >     else styfile <- "Sweave"

  > In R 1.5.1, that was:

  > if(stylepath)
  >         styfile <- file.path(.path.package("tools"),
  >                              "Sweave", "Sweave")
  > else
  >         styfile <- "Sweave"

  > and that was working.

The path is correct (I want to have Sweave.sty in
$R_HOME/share/texmf), but the install procedure has a bug: Sweave.sty
does not get installed properly when builddir != srcdir. This has been
fixed in both the devel and patched version of R.

As a quick fix for 1.6.0: please copy Sweave.sty manually to

Thanks a lot for the bug report,

                        Friedrich Leisch 
Institut für Statistik                     Tel: (+43 1) 58801 10715
Technische Universität Wien                Fax: (+43 1) 58801 10798
Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10/1071      Friedrich.Leisch@ci.tuwien.ac.at
A-1040 Wien, Austria             http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~leisch

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