silent option for library function

Vincent Carey 525-2265
Wed, 30 Oct 2002 11:56:28 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 30 Oct 2002 wrote:

> On Wed, 30 Oct 2002, Vincent Carey 525-2265 wrote:
> Quoting me, anonymously!

not intentional.  i apologize.

> Try
> if(silent) {
>   sink("/dev/null")
>   on.exit(sink())
> }
> as silent is not in scope at on.exit, I believe.

That doesn't seem to work either.  I'll also note that
the whole sink diversion that I mentioned initially
doesn't solve the problem of library-related messages under
Sweave echo=FALSE.  But that is a matter to be addressed
under separate cover.

> I have to say I think this is not a good idea.  People who want to put out
> copyright notices at the top of their packages should be allowed to do so,
> and we should not make it easy to suppress them.

Fair enough, but still perhaps debatable.  The contributor
has various opportunities to make copyright information
explicit (documentation, modeling output...), but the user
should be able to control the textual
throughput of any given R session to a very high degree.  Since
a private workaround is available, I withdraw the request.

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