[Rd] ctl-D, cancel, ctl-D yields seg fault (PR#2773)

Barry Rowlingson B.Rowlingson at lancaster.ac.uk
Mon Apr 14 11:21:37 MEST 2003

robert_dodier at yahoo.com wrote:
> Full_Name: Robert Dodier
> Version: 1.2.0  (2000-12-15)
> OS: RH Linux 7.1
> Submission from: (NULL) (
> If I start up R and just do:
> Save workspace image? [y/n/c]: c
> then R segfaults.

  Then dont do that.

  Its like the old joke: Man goes to doctor and waves his arm in a funny 
way and says "It hurts when I do that", and the doctor says "then dont 
do that".

  More seriously, I dont think bugs in version 1.2.0 are a priority - 
and even my ancient 1.6.0 doesn't crash like that. If it really bothers 
you, upgrade, since there are probably zillions of other more serious 
problems in 1.2.0 that will bite you.


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