[Rd] Weird Windows startup menu display problem in 1.7.0 (PR#2817)

bert_gunter at merck.com bert_gunter at merck.com
Tue Apr 22 18:23:27 MEST 2003


Winnt; R1.7.0 (freshly installed) running under Rgui.exe.,MDI=yes.

The following is repeatable:
On startup, in my Rprofile.site file, I use winMenuAdd() etc. to install
some user menus. However, they do not appear when R GUI window opens. If I
minimize and restore the window, the added menus now are present.

The exact same procedure under 1.6.2 with exactly the same Rprofile.site and
Rconsole files works fine.

Have fun.


Bert Gunter
Biometrics Research RY 84-16
Merck & Company
P.O. Box 2000
Rahway, NJ 07065-0900
Phone: (732) 594-7765
mailto: bert_gunter at merck.com

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