[Rd] The two chisq.test p values differ when the contingency table is transposed! (PR#3486)

shitao at ucla.edu shitao at ucla.edu
Wed Jul 16 02:27:27 MEST 2003

Full_Name: Tao Shi
Version: 1.7.0
OS: Windows XP Professional
Submission from: (NULL) (

> x
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]  149  151
[2,]    1    8
> c2x<-chisq.test(x, simulate.p.value=T, B=100000)$p.value
> for(i in (1:20)){c2x<-c(c2x,chisq.test(x,
> c2tx<-chisq.test(t(x), simulate.p.value=T, B=100000)$p.value
> for(i in (1:20)){c2tx<-c(c2tx,chisq.test(t(x), simulate.p.value=T,
+ B=100000)$p.value)}
> cbind(c2x,c2tx)
          c2x    c2tx
 [1,] 0.03711 0.01683
 [2,] 0.03717 0.01713
 [3,] 0.03709 0.01609
 [4,] 0.03833 0.01657
 [5,] 0.03696 0.01668
 [6,] 0.03698 0.01660
 [7,] 0.03704 0.01805
 [8,] 0.03731 0.01699
 [9,] 0.03746 0.01683
[10,] 0.03671 0.01676
[11,] 0.03589 0.01689
[12,] 0.03684 0.01670
[13,] 0.03678 0.01709
[14,] 0.03742 0.01658
[15,] 0.03734 0.01664
[16,] 0.03723 0.01778
[17,] 0.03690 0.01615
[18,] 0.03650 0.01621
[19,] 0.03759 0.01740
[20,] 0.03712 0.01653
[21,] 0.03788 0.01702

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