[Rd] Re: [R] wireframe: how to remove the frame around my plot?

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.uni-dortmund.de
Sun Jul 27 16:48:19 MEST 2003

[moved to R-devel]

Uwe Ligges wrote:

> Deepayan Sarkar wrote:
>> On Thursday 24 July 2003 20:26, Uwe Ligges wrote:
>>> Jerome Asselin wrote:
>>>> You can specify some options in "par.box". Use col=NA to make the frame
>>>> transparent. See example below (which was modified from the help file).
>>>> See also the "scales" parameter if you want to remove the arrows as 
>>>> well.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Jerome
>>>>     library(lattice)
>>>>     x <- seq(-pi, pi, len = 20)
>>>>     y <- seq(-pi, pi, len = 20)
>>>>     g <- expand.grid(x = x, y = y)
>>>>     g$z <- sin(sqrt(g$x^2 + g$y^2))
>>>>     wireframe(z ~ x * y, g, drape = TRUE,
>>>>               perspective = FALSE,
>>>>               aspect = c(3,1), colorkey = FALSE,
>>>>               par.box = list(col=NA))
>>> Which doesn't work on device
>>> trellis.device(windows)
>>> but works well on, e.g.,
>>> trellis.device(postscript)
>>> Deepayan, since I don't have the time to check that right now: Is this
>>> bug known? Is this a bug in R, grid or lattice?
>> Not sure, and I don't have access to R on Windows right now. This is 
>> probably a grid issue, try doing
>> grid.newpage()
>> grid.lines(gp = gpar(col = NA))
>> But I think col="transparent" would be a better choice than col=NA 
>> here. Does that work on windows() ?
> No, thanks.
> I'll take a closer look later ....

Sorry, I do not have the time to look really close, but a *long shot* is 
that we have discovered a windows-only bug related to the fixed PR#1881.
Perhaps a similar bug in lattice as it was in R-base?

Uwe Ligges

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