[Rd] Problems building R-1.7.0 on windows XP

Duncan Murdoch dmurdoch at pair.com
Tue May 6 22:20:31 MEST 2003

On Tue, 06 May 2003 20:54:20 -0400, you wrote:

>Everything went well until 
>make distribution
>The last few lines from the make output is:
>Copying spatial
>find rw1070 -name CVS -prune -exec rm -rf \{\} \;
>FIND: formato de par metros incorrecto
>make[2]: *** [imagedir] Error 2

I don't know what that error would be, but you don't really need to go
that far.  By that point you're building the installer; if you're
doing a build for yourself, you only need to go as far as "docs" in
the list of targets in the src/gnuwin32/INSTALL file.  

If I were going to guess at the reason, I'd guess you have a different
version of find in your path ahead of the R tools one (mine gives
English error messages), or you have something on your system that
makes it think it's talking Spanish, so perhaps "-name", "-prune" and
"-exec" need to be translated too.

Duncan Murdoch

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