[Rd] RGui Startup Error on Win2000 (PR#3084)

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.uni-dortmund.de
Fri May 23 18:34:44 MEST 2003

gzambre at ieee.org wrote:
> Full_Name: Girish Zambre
> Version: 1.7.0
> OS: Win2000
> Submission from: (NULL) (
> I just started looking at and trying R.  The problem could be external to R, but
> I really don't know. It reads 
> 'The instruction at "0x004412f0" referenced memory a "0x0095e40c". the memory
> could not be "read" '
> I get this after installing modules "waveslim.zip" and "tseries.zip" and
> restarting.

Dear all,

this is the 2nd bug report on this within one or two days (the other one 
has #3079).
Please check
  a) whether there is really a bug and
  b) whether it has been reported before.

And again two questions:
  a) which version of *package* tseries?
  b) what way did you install it?

For me

I guess you downloaded a tseries version that was compiled for R<1.7.0.
The most recent Windows binary on CRAN ( != most recent tseries version) 
for R-1.7.0 should be called tseries_0.9-11.zip on 
CRAN/bin/windows/contrib/1.7  --- note the 1.7!!!

Joaquin and Girish, does the correct binary solve your problem?

Uwe Ligges

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