[Rd] plot(x,y) core dump

Paul Murrell p.murrell at auckland.ac.nz
Mon Aug 2 00:34:33 CEST 2004


Rf_allocNewX11DeviceDesc is called by newX11DeviceDriver and the latter 
needs to check the value returned.  I think Brian Ripley has made a fix 
for this problem in the development version of R.  The first few lines 
of newX11DeviceDriver now look like ...

     newX11Desc *xd;
     char *fn;

     xd = Rf_allocNewX11DeviceDesc(pointsize);
     if(!xd) return FALSE;

Unfortunately, your next problem may be that you can't start an X11 
device (it looks like you are failing to allocate memory for the device).


Liao, Kexiao wrote:
> Dear R Development Team,
>    I compile R-1.9.1 on AIX 5.2 under 2.9-aix51-020209, and xlf 7.1. In
> order to let R compile successfully under gcc 2.9, I have to change one
> C statement of file(RHOME//src/modules/X11/devX11.c) line 1768 from
> "retrun FALSE" to "retrun NULL", following is C code snapshot:
> newX11Desc * Rf_allocNewX11DeviceDesc(double ps)
> {
>     newX11Desc *xd;
>     /* allocate new device description */
>     if (!(xd = (newX11Desc*)calloc(1, sizeof(newX11Desc))))
>         return NULL;
>     /* From here on, if we need to bail out with "error", */
>     /* then we must also free(xd). */
>     /*  Font will load at first use.  */
>     if (ps < 6 || ps > 24) ps = 12;
>     xd->fontface = -1;
>     xd->fontsize = -1;
>     xd->basefontface = 1;
>     xd->basefontsize = ps;
>     xd->handleOwnEvents = FALSE;
>     xd->window = (Window) NULL;
>     return(xd);
> }
> However I got core dump while I try to use plot() from R:
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> Making links in per-session dir ...
> If /usr/bin/netscape is already running, it is *not* restarted, and
>     you must switch to its window.
> Otherwise, be patient ...
>>x <- rnorm(50)
>>y <- rnorm(x)
> Illegal instruction (core dumped)
> Can anyone give me some suggestion? Thanks!
> Kexiao
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Dr Paul Murrell
Department of Statistics
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
64 9 3737599 x85392
paul at stat.auckland.ac.nz

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