[Rd] src/scripts/Makefile bug (PR#6598)

Atro.Tossavainen at helsinki.fi Atro.Tossavainen at helsinki.fi
Wed Feb 18 13:45:56 MET 2004


src/scripts/Makefile uses @ as the separator for sed.

This is fine unless the path names happen to contain @, which would
frequently be the case in sites where AFS is used and the AFS magic
path component @sys is used to distinguish between system types.

Please change the separator to #, for example.

Atro Tossavainen (Mr.)               / The Institute of Biotechnology at
Systems Analyst, Techno-Amish &     / the University of Helsinki, Finland,
+358-9-19158939  UNIX Dinosaur     / employs me, but my opinions are my own.
< URL : http : / / www . helsinki . fi / %7E atossava / > NO FILE ATTACHMENTS

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