[Rd] Wish list

Fernando Henrique Ferraz feferraz at ime.usp.br
Mon Jan 19 00:04:58 MET 2004

A.J. Rossini writes:
> That's my point.  Maintainance is critical, and any time spent on
> systems administration (systems in the generic sense, here it's
> bug-tracking) is less time spent on other more useful, or interesting,
> or high-payoff items.
> I'm probably not the only one who wished Peter had more time for other
> things...

        I agree that it would  probably take some time to set up the new system,
and maintaince at the beggining would take time too. On the other hand I believe
that the  producitivy gain fostered by the new system on the long term  could perhaps
counterbalance the initial effort. The main effort would be setting up the new
system and handdling accounts to the package mantainers, after that, most of it
would be left to the users of the system. I don't have much experience with
administrating the Bugzilla system yet but I'm installing in my box and will post
my experiences to the list.

Fernando Henrique Ferraz P. da Rosa

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