[Rd] Problem setting environment variable in R/zzz.R

Roger D. Peng rpeng at jhsph.edu
Sat Jun 26 23:09:51 CEST 2004

The help page for Sys.putenv seems to indicate using a single "=" 
rather than the double "==".  Could that be your problem?


Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:

> I am trying to get the Rmetrics.org component package fBasics by Diethelm
> Wuertz into a Debian package. Thanks to a lot of work by Diethelm, it is
> _almost_ there. It fails 'R CMD check' for me if I do not have the TZ
> environment variable set [1], yet works fine as long as I set TZ.
> I figured I could patch this in R/zzz.R and do 
>     ## set a timezone if none found in environment variables or options()
>     if (Sys.getenv("TZ")=="") {
>       if (is.null(getOption("TZ"))) {
>         cat("No timezone information found, using default of GMT\n")
>         Sys.putenv("TZ"=="GMT")
>       } else {
>         cat("No timezone information found, applying option() value of",
>             getOption("TZ"), "\n")
>         Sys.putenv("TZ"==getOption("TZ"))
>       }
>     }
> right before   library.dynam("fBasics", pkg, lib)  concludes .First.lib().
> Now, even with that little patch, the R CMD check still fails.  Which means
> that the package could fail CRAN tests unless CRAN has TZ set. That is a bit
> of a gamble I'd rather avoid.
> What am I doing wrong here?
> Thanks,  Dirk
> [1] There is a bit of a Debian tradition to, if in doubt, cover things via
>     a configuration file in /etc rather than an environment variable. I got
>     rather used to that, and like living without env.vars.

Roger D. Peng

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