[Rd] Generating Lognormal Random variables (PR#6843)

dmurdoch at pair.com dmurdoch at pair.com
Sat May 1 17:08:48 CEST 2004

On Sat,  1 May 2004 17:00:28 +0200 (CEST), anthony at stat.sdu.dk wrote:

>Full_Name: Anthony Gichangi
>Version: 1.90
>OS: Windows XP Pro
>Submission from: (NULL) (
>The function rlnorm generates negative values for lognormal distribution. 
>x- rlnorm(1000, meanlog =  0.6931472, sdlog = 1)

It doesn't for me, and the line you typed above makes it look like
you're subtracting lognormals from x.

Could you post a reproducible example?  For random number generators,
you can make them reproducible by using set.seed, e.g.

> set.seed(1)
> range(rlnorm(1000, meanlog =  0.6931472, sdlog = 1))
[1]  0.09877592 90.32586746

Duncan Murdoch

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