[Rd] R2.0.0 bug in function vcov in library survival (PR#7266)

Thomas Lumley tlumley at u.washington.edu
Wed Oct 6 20:06:06 CEST 2004

On Wed, 6 Oct 2004, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:

> Those vcov methods were removed from stats at
> 2004-08-28 20:40:13 +0100 survival now has vcov.{coxph,survreg}
> Looks like they have been removed from survival since: that is where they
> should be.  They are very simple --
> vcov.coxph <- vcov.survreg <- function (object, ...) object$var

No, they haven't been updated to cope with lazy loading (they are defined 
in a top-level if statement to prevent conflicts in older versions of R).

vcov.coxph is actually
     vcov.coxph<-function (object, ...) {
since object$var doesn't have dimnames.


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