[Rd] Enhancement request: anonymous connections

Seth Falcon sfalcon at fhcrc.org
Wed Dec 28 01:59:28 CET 2005

I would like to be able to use anonymous connections in R and have
them close themselves when they go out of scope.

Here is an example of what I think should work, but does not at

## create test file 
x <- 1:10
fn <- "anon-con-test-x.rda"
save(x, file=fn)
testUrl <- paste("file:/", getwd(), fn, sep="/")

## use an anonymous connection to load data from
## the URL as suggested in help(load).
for (i in 1:50) {

[snip some output]
Error in url(testUrl) : all connections are in use

If such a feature is not possible/desired for the next release, it
might be good to add a note to the documentation for connections that
mentions this issue with anonymous connections.

 + seth

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