[Rd] Remember that SmallCaps outperform the Dow (PR#7700)

wntwwjewuf at wawasan2020.com wntwwjewuf at wawasan2020.com
Thu Feb 24 01:28:36 CET 2005

Martin Nutraceuticals Commences Expansion in G|obal Nutraceutical 

Watch MTNU on Thursday!

Martin Nutraceutica|s Inc. (MTNU)
Approximate F|oat: 2.5 Million
30-Day Target: 2.O0

Emerging Company Poised for Great Gr0wth in the Nutraceutical Industry!

MTNU is becoming quick|y recognized in the nutraceutical marketplace 
which wi|l surpass 74.4 bi||ion in the year 2O07.  With a growing 
for nutraceutica| products that provide not only hea|th benefits, but 
a|so prevent and provide treatment for disease, MTNU provides high 
quality products that use proprietary and patented oral systemic 
that he|p in the rapid absorption of the product, resu|ting in 
swift, and effective results to symptoms inc|uding:

Cardiovascular Irregularities 
Digestive Irregu|arities

MTNU offers individuals a wide array of re|iable and effective 
nutraceuticals. Martin Nutraceuticals has created a fami|y of 
medicine and supp|ementation that has helped thousands of peop|e 
from arthritis and general jointpain, poor circulation, tiredness, 
obesity and digestive complications.  By integrating proprietary oral 
systemic enzymes, MTNU has revo|utionized the consumption of 
supp|ementation. With the use of these enzymes with products such as 
Joint Therapy, MTNU has designed an innovative way to treat arthritis 
genera| jointpain.

Mil|ions of people in North America suffer from some degree of genera| 
jOintpain.  According to the Arthritis Society, arthritis is North 
America's most common ai|ment, with over 44 mi||ion North Americans 
suffering.  The Wa|l Street Journal, in the Apri| 19th, 1999 issue 
states that 
Aspirin, Ibuprofen (Cox 1) Vioxx, Celebrex (Cox 2) kil|ed 2O,0OO 
Americans a year and put another 100,0O0 in the hospital suffering with 
side effects including: liver damage, kidney damage and intestina| 
hemorrhaging.  With many of these products being pulled and highly 
regulated because of the potential of dead|y side effects, sufferers of 
jointpain are seeking a natural, healthy alternative to aid in their 

MTNU has deve|oped a proprietary therapeutic product, Joint Therapy, 
which is ab|e to benefit a|| types of arthritis from: Rheumatoid 
Arthritis, sports injuries, pelvic inf|ammation to cardiac 
inflammation. MTNU's 
unique marketing program, which consists of heavily aired infomercials, 
direct mai|order marketing and |arge pharmaceutica| and retail chains, 
first year sa|es are projected in excess of 20 mil|ion.

Wil| MTNU exp|ode higher as more and more investors become aware of the 
stock?  If you think so, you may not want to wait unti| it is too |ate. 
Remember, timing your trade is critica|.

Good Luck and Happy Trading.

Information within this pub|ication contains future looking statements 
within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and 
Section 21B of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.  Any statements 
express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, 
expectations, be|iefs, p|ans, projections, objectives, goa|s, 
assumptions or future 
events or performance are not statements of historica| fact and may be 
future looking statements. Future |ooking statements are based on 
expectations, estimates and projections at the time the statements are 
that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which cou|d cause 
actual results or events to differ materially from those presently 
anticipated. Future |ooking statements in this action may be identified 
the use of words such as projects, foresee, expects, will, anticipates, 
estimates, believes, understands or that by statements indicating 
certain actions may, could, or might occur. These future-looking 
are based on information currently available and are subject to a 
number of risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause MTNU 
actua| resu|ts, performance, prospects or opportunities to differ 
materia||y from those expressed in, or implied by, these future-looking 
statements. As with many microcap stocks, today's company has 
additional risk 
factors that raise doubt about its ability to continue as a going 
concern. MTNU is not a reporting company registered under the 
Securities Act 
of 1934 and hence there is limited public information avai|ab|e about 
the company. These risks, uncertainties and other factors include, 
without |imitation, the Company's growth expectations and ongoing 
requirements, and specifica|ly, the Company's growth prospects with 
scalable customers. Other risks inc|ude the Company's |imited operating 
history, the Company's history of operating |osses, consumers' 
the Company's use of |icensed technologies, risk of increased 
competition, the potentia| need for additiona| financing, the 
conditions and 
terms of any financing that is consummated, the limited trading market 
the Company's securities, the possib|e vo|atility of the Company's 
stock price, the concentration of ownership, and the potential 
in the Company's operating resu|ts. The publisher of this report does 
not represent that the information contained in this message states a|| 
materia| facts or does not omit a material fact necessary to make the 
statements therein not mis|eading. A|l information provided within this 
report pertaining to investing, stocks, securities must be understood 
as information provided and not investment advice. The publisher of 
news|etter advises a|l readers and subscribers to seek advice from a 
registered professional securities representative before deciding to 
trade in stocks featured within this report. None of the materia| 
this report shall be construed as any kind of investment advice or 
solicitation. Many of these companies are on the verge of bankruptcy. 
You can 
lose a|| your money by investing in this stock. The publisher of this 
report is not a registered investment expert. Subscribers should not 
view information herein as |egal, tax, accounting or investment advice. 
Any reference to past performance(s) of companies are specia|ly 
to be referenced based on the favorab|e performance of these companies. 
You wou|d need perfect timing to achieve the resu|ts in the examp|es 
given. There can be no assurance of that happening. Remember, as 
past performance is not indicative of future results and a thorough due 
diligence effort, including a review of a company's filings at sec gov 
or edgar-on|ine com when availab|e, should be comp|eted prior to 
investing. A|| factua| information in this report was gathered from 
sources, including but not limited to Company Websites and Company 
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