[Rd] .Rbuildignore {was: ... upgrading an R (WINDOWS) installation..}

Torsten Hothorn Torsten.Hothorn at rzmail.uni-erlangen.de
Wed Jul 6 20:10:28 CEST 2005

> >
> > No!  {We have been here before, and I had explained before that}
> > this is really undesired:  ".Rbuildignore" should contain what is
> > ignored by build, but not by "check".
> > It does make sense to have extra code and / or checks for 'R CMD check'
> > that I as package developer want to run, but that are
> >  -- too time consuming
> >  -- too platform specific
> >  -- ......
> > to be run during the daily checks on CRAN (e.g.) /
> > to be run by others at all.
> >
> > {And BTW, AFAIK,  'Rcmd' is now `somewhat deprecated' in favor
> >  of "R CMD" since the latter is portable }
> >
> > --
> > Martin
> >
> I think its too heavy handed an approach. This should be up to the package
> developer via a switch.

I usually have something like

.onLoad <- function(lib, pkg) {
    GCtorture <<- TRUE

in packages and simply

gctorture(on = GCtorture)

in all regression tests which allows me to switch between time consuming
tests and ordinary regression tests easily.


> I like to put partially written code and other things
> not intended for distribution in .Rbuildignore and don't want them checked or
> installed until I move them out of .Rbuildignore.  That makes it
> possible to keep
> everything together.  Without this one must 1. keep them elsewhere
> (which I am considering as an alternate approach to what I do now although
> it would be a shame) or else 2. write batch files (which I have
> written for XP) to do
> a prebuild every time one does a check or install.
> One annoying aspect of R CMD is the requirement for capitalization.  Maybe
> that's ok on UNIX but on Windows one is used to using upper and lower
> case interchangeably.  Its also annoying to have to write two words instead of
> one for a frequently issued command.   At any rate I always call it through
> my Rcmd.bat batch file so its not really an issue for me.
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