[Rd] Computer algebra in R - would that be an idea??

Søren Højsgaard Soren.Hojsgaard at agrsci.dk
Tue Jul 12 13:19:48 CEST 2005

>From time to time people request symbolic computations beyond what D() and deriv() etc can provide. A brief look at the internet shows that there are many more or less developed computer algebra packages freely available. Therefore, I wondered if it would be an idea to try to 'integrate' one of these packages in R, which I guess can be done in more or less elegant ways... I do not know any of the computer algebra people around the World, but perhaps some other people from the R-community do and would be able to/interested in establishing such a connection...

Just and idea; comments appreciated :-)

Søren Højsgaard,  MSc, PhD (Statistics),                Phone: +45 8999 1703 
Head of Statistics and Decision Theory Research Group,  Fax:   +45 8999 1300 
Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences               sorenh at agrsci.dk 
Research Centre Foulum, DK-8830 Tjele, Denmark          http://genetics.agrsci.dk/~sorenh 
.... Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana ....

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