[Rd] R CMD problem on windows XP (PR#8031)

murdoch@stats.uwo.ca murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Mon Jul 25 01:08:51 CEST 2005

kjetil at acelerate.com wrote:
> I get this on windows XP, rw2011, precompiled from CRAN:
> C:\R\rw2011\src\gnuwin32>R CMD build -- binary ./../library/tseriesChaos
> R CMD build -- binary ./../library/tseriesChaos
> * checking for file 'binary/DESCRIPTION' ... NO
> and there it stopped, while the following works:

That's not a bug.  You asked it to build two packages: one called 
binary, one called ./../library/tseriesChaos.  The first build failed, 
so it stopped.

Duncan Murdoch

> C:\R\rw2011\src\gnuwin32>Rcmd build --binary ./../library/tseriesChaos
> Rcmd build --binary ./../library/tseriesChaos
> * checking for file './../library/tseriesChaos/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
> * preparing './../library/tseriesChaos':
> * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
> * cleaning src
> * removing junk
> and everyrhing runs to completion.
> Kjetil

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