looking for RMySQL Windows binary; was: [Rd] (no subject)

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.uni-dortmund.de
Sun May 29 15:13:11 CEST 2005

Annika Wetzko wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a problem installing RMySQL under WinXP.
> I can not find the ZIP-file or what have I to do? It´s really busy
> bacause I am a student and have to make DBConnection soon...at this
> weekend!
> Please answer as quick as possible!

... so I am answering as quick as possible.

You know, all those other students, faculty members, business people, 
and professors reading your mail do feel completely boring and are just 
waiting to answer questions of a student who is busy and requesting 
quick answers ... or in other words, people already do answer as quick 
as possible, even if you do not arrogate...

Your message is not appropriate for R-devel. It is not even appropriate 
for R-help, for which you should really read the posting guide.

Please use a sensible subject line.
Please do not put people under pressure to answer your question.
Please tell us the version of R you are using.

Now, answering your question, please read the ReadMe at 
(assuming you are using the most recent version of R, but you have not 
told us...). It tells us:
"RMySQL is available at http://stat.bell-labs.com/RS-DBI/download,
provided by its maintainer, David A. James."

Uwe Ligges

> Thanks for help
> Annika

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