[Rd] pb with dyn.load - fortran code now attached

Gilles GUILLOT gilles.guillot at inapg.inra.fr
Thu Oct 27 10:30:45 CEST 2005

> > is.loaded("supsmu_")
> [1] FALSE
> > is.loaded("supsmu")
> [1] TRUE
> That is a Fortran entry point, and it complies with the description
> quoted.
> What is.loaded() needs depends on how the symbol would be found
> and so it is not much use.

OK, thanks.

But still 
> is.loaded("fstat_")
> dyn.load("~/tmp/test1.so")
> is.loaded("fstat_")
[1] TRUE

while test1.so does not contains any reference to fstat.
How does anything like fstat happens to be loaded ?


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