[Rd] Daily package check and --install=no

Kurt Hornik Kurt.Hornik at wu-wien.ac.at
Wed Apr 26 12:28:51 CEST 2006

>>>>> Jeff Enos writes:

> R-devel,
> There has been some confusion on the MatchIt package mailing list on
> the meaning of [--install=no] in the comment column of CRAN's
> automated package check.

> It's my understanding that, at the very least, a package marked like
> this will not have its test cases run each night.  Are there other
> checks that are omitted?

> How, if at all, are such install flags related to the parameters one
> can pass R CMD check, such as --no-install, --no-test, etc.?

'--install=no' indicates that the checks are run with this flag, which
is the same as '--no-install':

  $ R CMD check --help 2>&1 | grep no-install
      --no-install      skip installation and associated tests

[This is necessary because MatchIt depends on Zelig which suggests VGAM
which is not in any of the standard repositories ...]


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