[Rd] Small typo in list.Rd

Kevin B. Hendricks kevin.hendricks at sympatico.ca
Fri Aug 18 15:37:56 CEST 2006


iff is shorthand typically used in mathematical proofs.  You have  
probably found the one group (users of R) that have the highest  
probability of knowing the meaning of "iff".  That said, I agree that  
it should not be used in official documentation.  It should be  
replaced with "if and only if" if it was not just a typo to begin with.


On Aug 18, 2006, at 8:48 AM, Gregor Gorjanc wrote:

> Hin-Tak Leung wrote:
>> Gregor Gorjanc wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> There is a tiny typo in list.Rd.
>>> Index: R/src/library/base/man/list.Rd
>>> ===================================================================
>>> --- ../man/list.Rd      (revision 38909)
>>> +++ ../man/list.Rd      (working copy)
>>> @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
>>>    inconsistent with functions such as \code{\link 
>>> {as.character}}, and is
>>>    for efficiency since lists can be expensive to copy.)
>>> -  \code{is.list} returns \code{TRUE} iff its argument
>>> +  \code{is.list} returns \code{TRUE} if its argument
>> Those are not typo's - (there are two "iff"'s in that paragraph).
>> "iff" is a short-hand for "if and only if", in some culture.
> OK, I did not know that and I appologize for making noise on the list
> for this. However, I wonder how many people know this? It is fine to
> have some short-hands (as IMHO, RTFM, etc. in e-mails), but these  
> can be
> an obstacle for exact understanding of the documentation, specially  
> for
> non-english users.
> -- 
> Lep pozdrav / With regards,
>     Gregor Gorjanc
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> University of Ljubljana     PhD student
> Biotechnical Faculty
> Zootechnical Department     URI: http://www.bfro.uni-lj.si/MR/ggorjan
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> SI-1230 Domzale             tel: +386 (0)1 72 17 861
> Slovenia, Europe            fax: +386 (0)1 72 17 888
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> "One must learn by doing the thing; for though you think you know it,
>  you have no certainty until you try." Sophocles ~ 450 B.C.
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