[Rd] overhead of function calls

Prof Brian Ripley ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Sat Nov 18 18:32:56 CET 2006

On Sat, 18 Nov 2006, Tamas K Papp wrote:

> Hi,
> Profiling shows that 65-70% of the time of my program is spent inside
> a single function -- this is not surprising, as it is inside an
> optimize call inside a loop (this is a dynamic programming problem).
> I would like to speed this up.
> The function does very little: has a single argument, evaluates a
> spline at that argument, does some simple arithmetic with it (adding
> constants, multiplication).  With R being a functional programming
> language, I implemented this by calling several functions inside the
> function:
>          ## RHS of bellman equation
>          f <- function(knext,k,ei) {
>            util(consf(knext,k))+quickeval(knext,gridsecpp,Vkbarpp)
>          }
> where quickeval evaluates a spline at knext (on gridsecpp, pp-form
> Vkbarpp), util is a function in the environment, and so is consf:
>          ## consumption
> 	   consf <- function(knext,k) {
>            rp*k+W+knext*A
>          }
> A, W, and rp are constants in the environment.
> Then I call
> optimize(f, lower=...,upper=...,k=...)
> to find the maximum.
> Questions:
> 1. does function calling give a significant overhead in R?

Not compared with all but the very simplest computations: the overhead is 
of the order of a few microseconds.  If it were otherwise, R would not to 
a large extent be implemented by function wrappers round .Internal 
calls (rather than .Primitives).

> If so, I would rewrite the function into a single one.  I tried to test 
> this by
>> f <- function(x) 1+x
>> g <- function(x) f(x)
>> x <- rnorm(1e6)
>> system.time(sapply(x,f))
> [1] 11.315  0.157 11.735  0.000  0.000
>> system.time(sapply(x,g))
> [1] 8.850 0.140 9.283 0.000 0.000
>> system.time(for (i in seq_along(x)) f(x[i]))
> [1] 2.466 0.036 2.884 0.000 0.000
>> system.time(for (i in seq_along(x)) g(x[i]))
> [1] 3.548 0.045 4.165 0.000 0.000
> but I find that hard to interpret -- the overhead looks significant in
> the first case, but something strange (at least to my limited
> knowledge) is happening with sapply.

Note that subsequent calls change quite a lot:

> system.time(sapply(x,f))
[1] 12.989  0.150 13.215  0.000  0.000
> system.time(sapply(x,f))
[1] 8.751 0.105 8.923 0.000 0.000
> system.time(sapply(x,f))
[1] 7.993 0.175 8.191 0.000 0.000
> system.time(sapply(x,f))
[1] 7.016 0.058 7.074 0.000 0.000
> system.time(sapply(x,f))
[1] 7.748 0.181 7.932 0.000 0.000
> system.time(sapply(x,g))
[1] 8.289 0.074 8.371 0.000 0.000

Several things are going on here, but most likely the most important is 
that the memory manager is being tuned.  On my (64-bit) system:

> gc()
           used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
Ncells  224202 12.0     407500 21.8   350000 18.7
Vcells 1115457  8.6    1519644 11.6  1419269 10.9
> for(i in 1:5) sapply(x,f)
> gc()
           used (Mb) gc trigger  (Mb) max used  (Mb)
Ncells  224206 12.0    2156470 115.2  2665684 142.4
Vcells 2115455 16.2    7060137  53.9  8164087  62.3

Note the factor 5x differences.

It is better to profile here, so if I profile

> for (i in seq_along(x)) g(x[i])

I get
     self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
"f"      2.18     62.6       2.34      67.2
"g"      1.14     32.8       3.48     100.0
"+"      0.16      4.6       0.16       4.6

The extra call to g is taking about 1 usec (as I expected).  Note that 
lazy evaluation means (I think) that f is being charged for the evaluation 
of the argument, not g.

> 2. Do calls to .C or .Fortran carry large overhead?  If they don't, I
> would recode f in either.

No (and calls to .Call carry less, as there is no duplication on call and 

Brian D. Ripley,                  ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford,             Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road,                     +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK                Fax:  +44 1865 272595

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