[Rd] ISwR (PR#9204)

phillip.endicott at zoology.oxford.ac.uk phillip.endicott at zoology.oxford.ac.uk
Tue Sep 5 15:13:46 CEST 2006

I wanted to install the ISwR package onto my Linux system and used the 
install.packages command but it returns the message that  the package 
was not found at the repositories.

So I tried to install locally adding the argument repos=NULL but it gave 
a non-zero exit status report and the package is not present on the system.

I am a novice UNIX user and also new to R but I have followed the syntax 
faithfully and presumably successfully to get the messages I did.

I would be most grateful of to hear if you know of a problem with this 

Many thanks

Phillip Endicott

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