[Rd] (PR#9202) Re: Bugs with partial name matching during partial

Thomas Lumley tlumley at u.washington.edu
Wed Sep 6 00:22:49 CEST 2006

The partial matching is fairly deeply built in to complex assignment, 
another example being
> x<-list(ab=1:2)
> names(x$ab)=c("A","B")
> names(x$a)=c("a","b")
> x
1 2

a b
1 2

because as evalseq works through the nested calls on the LHS the code 
being called doesn't know it is in an assignment call.

The bug is a bug. It isn't specific to data frames or to replacing only 
some elements of a vector
> x<-list(ab=1:2)
> x$a[]<-2:1
> x
[1] 2 1

[1] 2 1

It also happens when $ is replaced by [[. It looks like a failure to 
duplicate. A workaround would be not to modify list elements or database 
columns that don't exist ;).


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