[Rd] R RC: make all

Duncan Murdoch murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Mon Apr 23 15:20:40 CEST 2007

On 4/23/2007 8:51 AM, Peter Dalgaard wrote:
> Uwe Ligges wrote:
>> Looks like
>>    make all
>> does not imply
>>    make recommended
>> in the RC version of R-2.5.0 ...
>> Uwe
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> Eh? What makes you say that?
> all: Makefile Makeconf R docs recommended
> recommended: @USE_RECOMMENDED_PACKAGES_TRUE@ stamp-recommended

This is true in the Windows src/gnuwin32/Makefile, but it's not new. 
The only target that depends on "recommended" is "distribution", and it 
does it by forcing "make recommended" every time, whether needed or not.

"make all" also misses "bitmapdll" (which I think has no equivalent in 
Unix?), "manuals" (part of "docs" in Unix), and installer related targets.

It would probably be reasonable if "make all" were more consistent 
across platforms, but "make recommended" is quite slow, so I'm not sure 
I would like it to be in the default ("all" is the default target).

Another argument in favour of including "recommended" in the default is 
that currently "make ; make check" fails in Windows, because some of the 
checks depend on recommended packages.

Duncan Murdoch

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