[Rd] IDE for R C++ package writing ?

AJ Rossini blindglobe at gmail.com
Sat Feb 24 13:28:17 CET 2007

> Den Fr, 2007-02-23, 11:49 skrev mel:

> > I will be grateful for all advices on this tool topic.
> > Better choosing emacs ? or code::blocks ?
> > or another idea ?
> > Does somebody have an idea about the most used IDEs for
> > R C++ package writing ?

Emacs has IDE capabilities possible, as extensions.   See the CEDET library 
and ECB package extension for code browsers, UML tools, etc.  JDEE (Java 
development environment for Emacs) is an excellent IDE for Java, SLIME is 
excellent for Common Lisp, but there isn't a truly excellent tool for C++ or 
R at this time.  (ESS IMHO is as good as it gets at present, but let's 
reserve the term "excellent" for things that deserve it, having stood the 
long test of time and design standards, like Emacs and Common Lisp have).


blindglobe at gmail.com
Muttenz, Switzerland.
"Commit early,commit often, and commit in a repository from which we can 
roll-back your mistakes" (AJR, 4Jan05).
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