[Rd] sweep sanity checking?

Petr Savicky savicky at cs.cas.cz
Fri Jul 13 22:37:36 CEST 2007

I would like to suggest a replacement for the curent function
sweep based on the two previous suggestions posted at
with some extensions.

My suggestion is to use one of the following two variants. They
differ in whether length(STATS) == 1 is allowed without a warning
in the stricter (default) check or not. I don't know, what is better.

  sweep1 <- function (x, MARGIN, STATS, FUN = "-", check.margin=TRUE, ...)
      FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
      dims <- dim(x)
      dimstat <- if (is.null(dim(STATS))) length(STATS) else dim(STATS)
      if (length(MARGIN) < length(dimstat)) {
          STATS <- drop(STATS)
          dimstat <- if (is.null(dim(STATS))) length(STATS) else dim(STATS)
      if (check.margin && length(STATS) > 1 &&
          (length(dimstat)!=length(MARGIN) || any(dims[MARGIN]!=dimstat))) {
          warning("length(STATS) or dim(STAT) do not match dim(x)[MARGIN]")
      } else if (prod(dims[MARGIN]) %% length(STATS)!=0)
          warning("prod(dim(x)[MARGIN]) is not a multiple of length(STATS)")
      perm <- c(MARGIN, (1:length(dims))[-MARGIN])
      FUN(x, aperm(array(STATS, dims[perm]), order(perm)), ...)

  sweep2 <- function (x, MARGIN, STATS, FUN = "-", check.margin=TRUE, ...)
      FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
      dims <- dim(x)
      dimstat <- if (is.null(dim(STATS))) length(STATS) else dim(STATS)
      if (length(MARGIN) < length(dimstat)) {
          STATS <- drop(STATS)
          dimstat <- if (is.null(dim(STATS))) length(STATS) else dim(STATS)
      if (check.margin &&
          (length(dimstat)!=length(MARGIN) || any(dims[MARGIN]!=dimstat))) {
          warning("length(STATS) or dim(STAT) do not match dim(x)[MARGIN]")
      } else if (prod(dims[MARGIN]) %% length(STATS)!=0)
          warning("prod(dim(x)[MARGIN]) is not a multiple of length(STATS)")
      perm <- c(MARGIN, (1:length(dims))[-MARGIN])
      FUN(x, aperm(array(STATS, dims[perm]), order(perm)), ...)

The functions are tested on the following examples.

  a <- array(1:64,dim=c(4,4,4))
  M <- c(1,3);

  b          sweep1(a,M,b) sweep2(a,M,b) sweep1(a,M,b,c=F) sweep2(a,M,b,c=F)

  a[,2,]     -             -             -                 - 
  a[1:2,2,]  warning       warning       -                 - 
  1          -             warning       -                 -
  1:3        warning       warning       warning           warning
  1:16       warning       warning       -                 -

  a <- matrix(1:8,nrow=4,ncol=2);
  M <- 1;

  b          sweep1(a,M,b) sweep2(a,M,b) sweep1(a,M,b,c=F) sweep2(a,M,b,c=F)

  1          -             warning       -                 -
  1:2        warning       warning       -                 -
  1:3        warning       warning       warning           warning
  1:4        -             -             -                 -
  matrix(1:4,nrow=1) # (A)
             -             -             -                 -
  matrix(1:4,ncol=1) # (B)
             -             -             -                 -

  a <- matrix(1:8,nrow=4,ncol=2);
  M <- 2;

  b          sweep1(a,M,b) sweep2(a,M,b) sweep1(a,M,b,c=F) sweep2(a,M,b,c=F)

  1          -             warning       -                 -
  1:2        -             -             -                 -
  1:3        warning       warning       warning           warning
  1:4        warning       warning       warning           warning
  matrix(1:2,ncol=1) # (A)
             -             -             -                 -
  matrix(1:2,nrow=1) # (B)
             -             -             -                 -

Note that cases marked (A) do not generate a warning, although they
should. This is the cost of using drop(STATS), which allows cases
marked (B) without a warning. In my opinion, cases (B) make sense.

Reproducing the tests is possible using the script


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