[Rd] RUnit testing with R CMD check and more

Gorjanc Gregor Gregor.Gorjanc at bfro.uni-lj.si
Wed Sep 5 18:53:09 CEST 2007


> (another) Martin wrote:
> One important scenario I use during development is to run selected
> unit tests, typically found in a single file. Usually this is
> preceeded by INSTALL rather than check, as I optimistically think that
> my changes will be an improvement and hence installing the package is
> a starting point for the next iteration.

Yes, I also do that very often, especially if I work only on one function
and I only want to test if it works. With this in mind there is a Makefile
in PKG/inst/RUnitTests (this is based largely on work probably also by
you and other "BioC folk"), which provides handy

make # run unit tests
make all # install and run unit tests

Though, this runs all unit tests.


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