[Rd] delayedAssign

Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at gmail.com
Wed Sep 19 21:30:30 CEST 2007

The last two lines of example(delayedAssign) give this:

> e <- (function(x, y = 1, z) environment())(1+2, "y", {cat(" HO! "); pi+2})
> (le <- as.list(e)) # evaluates the promises
<promise: 0x032b31f8>
<promise: 0x032b3230>
<promise: 0x032b3268>

which contrary to the comment appears unevaluated.  Is the comment
wrong or is it supposed to return an evaluated result but doesn't?

> R.version.string # Vista
[1] "R version 2.6.0 alpha (2007-09-06 r42791)"

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