[Rd] rJava and RJDBC

Joe W. Byers ecjbosu at aol.com
Thu Sep 27 04:03:57 CEST 2007

I am desperate for help.

I am trying to get the RJDBC and rJava .5to work on both my windows xp 
and linux Redhat EL5 Server.  On both I get a 
ava.lang.ClassNotFoundException when calling JDBC().

My example is
drv <- JDBC(c("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"),classPath,"`")

This returns a NULL value and a java exception.
 > .jgetEx()
[1] "Java-Object{java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver}"
my java version is
 > .jcall('java.lang.System','S','getProperty','java.version')
[1] "1.6.0_02"

When I use java 1.5.0_11 jre I have the same problem but the .jgetEx()
 > .jgetEx()
[1] "Java-Object{}

my class path is
 > .jclassPath()
  [1] "C:\\PROGRA~1\\R\\library\\rJava\\java" 

  [2] "." 

  [4] "C:\\libraries\\xmlbeans-2.0.0-beta1\\lib\\xbean.jar" 

  [5] "C:\\libraries\\POI\\poi-2.5.1-final-20040804.jar" 

  [6] "C:\\libraries\\POI\\poi-contrib-2.5.1-final-20040804.jar" 

  [7] "C:\\libraries\\POI\\poi-scratchpad-2.5.1-final-20040804.jar" 

  [8] "C:\\Libraries\\PJM\\eDataFeed.jar" 

  [9] "C:\\Libraries\\PJM\\webserviceclient.jar" 

[10] "C:\\Java\\Libraries\\QTJava.zip"

My java_Home is
 > .jcall('java.lang.System','S','getProperty','java.home')
[1] "C:\\Java\\jre1.6.0_02"

I have tried breaking down the JDBC as
.jinit() or .jinit(classPath)
.jcall("java/lang/Class", "Ljava/lang/Class;",
             "forName", as.character(driverClass)[1], TRUE, v)
  to no avail.

I have tried different versions of the mysql jar.

I do not know if my java version not compatible, my java settings are 
wrong, or I am just blind to the problem.  This is the same for both my 
Windows XP and Redhat EL5 Server.

I really appreciate any and all assistance.

Thank you

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