[Rd] R 2.7 package.skeleton

cgenolin at u-paris10.fr cgenolin at u-paris10.fr
Sun Apr 13 23:36:41 CEST 2008

> However, try this example with the corrected package.skeleton() as well.

I did, it is working



> John Chambers wrote:
>> Well, the workaround does not help much.  The source files will be 
>> copied to the new package, but they are not evaluated (because 
>> package.skeleton requires list= to be missing).  Therefore you won't 
>> have the documentation files reflecting the contents of essai.r
>> So, for the moment, this just seems to be a bug needing fixing.  
>> Merci et ne quittez pas.
>> John
>> John Chambers wrote:
>>> Seems to be an R bug in evaluating the source code in your file.
>>> As the message says, something is trying to evaluate the "list" 
>>> argument to package.skeleton.  My guess is that it's the 
>>> unfortunate choice of "list" as an argument name interacting with 
>>> your use of list() in the code in essai.r  (By the language 
>>> semantics a function and a non-function with the same name _should_ 
>>> be ok, but the fact that there is no default may be triggering a 
>>> difficulty in sys.source())
>>> To make life more difficult, package.skeleton does not seem to like 
>>> a zero-length list= argument either.  The following is an ugly way 
>>> to avoid the error, by creating a list with one object.
>>>  > nul <- ""
>>>  > package.skeleton("kmt", code_files = "essai.r", list = "nul")
>>> Creating directories ...
>>> Creating DESCRIPTION ...
>>> Creating Read-and-delete-me ...
>>> Copying code files ...
>>> Making help files ...
>>> Done.
>>> Further steps are described in './kmt/Read-and-delete-me'.
>>> cgenolin at u-paris10.fr wrote:
>>>> Hi the devel list
>>>> I am testing package.skeleton in R 2.7 (download today). I get an 
>>>> error that I do not understand. I guess it is not an error from my 
>>>> code since I have no probleme when I source it. So is it a error 
>>>> in package.skeleton?
>>>> Here is my code :
>>>> --- 8< ------ File essai.r -------------
>>>> setClass(
>>>>    Class="ClusterizLongData",
>>>>    representation=representation(
>>>>      clusterizS="list"
>>>>    ),
>>>>    prototype=prototype(
>>>>      clusterizS=list(c2=list(),c3=list())
>>>>    )
>>>> )
>>>> --- 8< ---------------------------------
>>>> package.skeleton("kmt",code_files=c("essai.r"))
>>>> Erreur dans .prototype(...) :  l'argument "list" est manquant, 
>>>> avec aucune valeur par défaut
>>>> [approximative translation :
>>>> Error in .prototype(...) :
>>>>   the argument "list" is missing, with no default value
>>>> ]
>>>> Christophe
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