[Rd] [rd] sage <--> r integration

Rob Goedman goedman at mac.com
Thu Apr 17 18:05:56 CEST 2008


I'm also surprised so few reactions have been forthcoming. I saw  
William's email shortly after Jan's email about Sage.

Having been involved in the Ryacas project (R to Yacas - Yet Another  
Computer Algebra System - with Gabor, Soren and Ayal), I  believe in  
the tremendous benefits of such an integration and have,  over the  
last couple of days, been studying Sage and its notebook interface to  
better understand how it could be used as an alternative/complement to  
the current Mac R.app (having occasionally helped out Simon on the Mac  
R GUI - R.app).

I am a firm believer in Python, and have worked on Python/ 
Django/"Python on Embedded systems for biometrics" for well over 2  
years now. I do believe this is also a major benefit of Sage. And  
projects such as Google's App Engine provide further support.

 From Willliam's email I take it the best route right now is to try to  
bring this project the attention of the GSoC mentors.


On Apr 17, 2008, at 3:33 AM, Mike Hansen wrote:

> I would like to re-emphasize the above points that William makes.
> Both projects could benefit a lot from working with each other.  A
> fair number of people, including Persi Diaconis and Susan Holmes, have
> had enthusiastic responses when I mentioned that R was being included
> with Sage.
> This is a good opportunity to build bridges between the two
> communities, and the lack of response (regardless of how GSoC issues
> play out) is a bit disappointing.
> --Mike
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