[Rd] Using option na.rm=True in function SD does not work for matrix with complete columns of NAs (PR#11364)

m.tschiedel at innovest.at m.tschiedel at innovest.at
Fri May 2 13:00:17 CEST 2008

Dear R-developers,
according to the "what's new"-section in version R 2.7.0, there has been =
a change in the working of co[rv] and so also in sd and var.
I am afraid, that the use of function sd with option "na.rm=3DT" has not =
been changed appropriately. So the following problem exists with missing =
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.7.0 (2008-04-22)=20
attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base  =20
a<-matrix(rnorm(100),10,10); a[1,]<-NA

> sd(a,na.rm=3DT)
Fehler in var(x, na.rm =3D na.rm) : keine vollst=E4ndigen Elementpaare

this error is clear as "sd" is using "var" and in case of na.rm=3DT =
"var" uses "na.method=3Dcomplete.obs" which is obviously never the case =
in this example.
So I suggest to set the default.method for na.rm=3DT to =
"pairwise.complete.obs" to get the same result as in previous versions =
of R, that is the same as=20

> sqrt(diag(var(a,use=3D"pair")))
 [1]        NA 0.9117738 0.5953496 0.9272141 0.8864333 0.8045383 =
0.4240055 1.0304519 0.9221493 1.2087638

Best regards,

Martin Tschiedel
Senior Investment Manager	 A Siemens Company=09

INNOVEST Kapitalanlage AG
Email: m.tschiedel at innovest.at

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